Bryant McGill quoted that a great thing about life, the most magnificent thing about being these sentient human beings, is that we have been given the power of choice.
Why do we become us? What makes us to become better? I mean we are great mysteries to each other and I find it so interesting how we continue to open places within ourselves. As I continue to learn how to observe, and to find places to observe. By observing for example why we become ill, through Global health courses I am pursuing, or by observing and looking for the reasons there are many complexity, and the power of choice we make throughout our lives.
The choice is the power of the human experience. I think we need to put choice as an authority. If I run the nation, I’d put the power of the choice in every school curriculum, that everyone should learn that the power of the choices you make have infinite consequences. From the littleness of the choice to the great huge choice. And we have no idea of what the little choice is or the big choice.
What we are used to do is believing that a biggest choice is an obvious one; buying a house, getting married, getting divorced, in fact those are small choices. The choices that actually matter when it comes to positioning yourself, empowering yourself, are the tiny ones that you think has the least power, they are most insignificant but repeatedly are the most powerful choices in your life, in your biology, in your soul, on your sense of who you are, your well being, if you listen to your heart and your gut.
We are born knowing certain things, it is in our instinct, in our spiritual instinct, in our DNA and our soul. We are born knowing that Choice is the most powerful thing that we have got going for us, and we know it, reason why we are terrified to make a choice. I asked somebody if she would like to go for diner and the answer was: “I don’t know”, Pick a restaurant; she said « NO » she can’t even pick a restaurant! People like « I don’t know what am going to do » or « I will think about it » till morning, the day up to night shift.
People are terrified of making choices, terrified by the consequences you chose, terrified by being accountable of the consequences. Most people would do anything to postpone making choices. Your mind says well I think, your heart says I feel, the body says I can’t now. You don’t even know if the three of them talk to each other. Because if they do, they should come up with something. There are a lot of choices that matter, that make a difference in our lives.
The first choice is the decision to actually live in an integrate life. Not meaning living a good life, I am talking about full scale “I am going to walk the way I talk”, I am going to live life of integrity, never mind to speak the truth. I am going to make my choices according to what I believe I am going to live. I am not going to betray myself, I am not going to compromise myself, I am not going to put myself in a questionable position, coz if I put myself in any circumstances, Seriously I am getting out. Matter of fact I won’t force another person to be in any circumstance which I know they are uncomfortable in order to please me. I won’t hold any other person captive because there has no integrity. I will not do that.
I have learnt that liars don’t heal. You can eat good food, spiced, with all healthy nutrients, but someone who eats cat food goes further than you. People who lie, who blame others for things they know they didn’t do, people who make choices and they know that another person is getting consequences of their choices and they are conscious about that. For people who deliberately say something to hurt somebody, your body, heart, mind and your soul know about it, please get this act together, just get off and make a decision to live an integrate life.
The second is to make a decision to not pass on myself ring on, but my wisdom. Everyone has their choice, ever body can pass on but again it’s his choice. We all have that. I don’t want to say that we don’t have grieve or pain. But if we look at life, there are certain things that all holy spiritual and tradition have in common. One of these great learnings about tradition, life will never be that wonderful with this thing we wanted to do which is what we call fair. It will never be like “that is why this happened!” I have heard someone telling me last time “if I only knew why this happened to me!” and I said what difference will that make? What if God sent an angel and asked you, “what do you want?” and you ask him why this happened? And what if the angel said “Well because it did. Now what?”
Here is the thing, some of the grief and injuries happened to people are so horrible and unbelievable. And the truth is nothing can make that go away and make it better. In the model of healing that we have to have, healing does not mean to forget those things, is about looked at what has happened to us, and say this will never defeat me and look at the way to never happen again, not live in that anymore. I have to somehow turn this in my source of wisdom. And that became my choice. I had to choose wisdom over wars.
The third is the choice to take risks. There many things that happened to us and we don’t even know how? Take risks in life, don’t wait for proof. When you wish the life that you could have lived. That diminishes our strength and stamina. Ooh I shouldn’t have done this and that.. Are we regretting risks we haven’t taken,thinking of what if I get humiliated because of the choises am taking. What if I can’t take the consequences of it. What if I am too frightened. What if am alone, what if It costs me too much money?
We forget to ask ourselves of how many of our fears that have happened? How many of the most wonderful things that have happened to me? Did I have actually anything to do with it?Probably two!
Because if you lack and add basically most of the things that ever happened to you, you didn’t have anything to do with them. And when you think of how did this happen? Probably through many things that were maybe risky and you didn’t know about that.
Don’t only take the safe path, when you are making decisions, don’t look backwards for guidance. The reason you are where you are is because their part of your life is over. Don’t look for over to chart new. Don’t look there when it’s about what to do next. Do not go to who you are, or what you did, coz it will pull you back perhaps to the places that doesn’t exist, to the image of the person you no longer are. And that’s the way to weaken you, to show you options that are no longer appropriate and make you hit regret.
It’s time for you to build something new and be in that newness.It is your choice to live something new. Be in the newness and not afraid of it.
Choose new words, because every word is universe. A word you can share with the world, a word you can tell someone and create healing, living, comfort and construction within their soul and say the same word to yourself. Words you can never question or ask why they are in your head, words that are not toxic or negative. You see something and your first reaction is “not enough”, the first reaction to something is always critical, and you hold those powerful words “BLAME” and “DESERVE”, I blame them, and I deserve this. Three words that are lethal “Entitle, Blame and Deserve”.
If you can retrieve those words from your head before making choices, you have no idea how much better you can feel. No depression, no shame. Because you are not entitled to anything, not blaming anyone for anything, no negative perception in you towards others. Just put yourself in a picture of how people can be blaming you. Who is blaming you for something? and how can you do well in such a situation? How can you feel knowing that someone is in therapy because they know you?
Stop looking at the world through your eyes, but make a choice to wake up every single day and bless your day, not to worry about anything, because you are blessed and alive. Don’t base your gratitude to what you have or how you feel, but just BECAUSE YOU ARE. I always say this prayer that the present day of my life will never come again, I am not going look again at the people the same way am looking at them now, I will never see the same sunrise again, I will never have the same breakfast with this same person again, just this way. Nothing like this in my life will ever come again.
That alone, that choice alone, should take out of your heart, every bitter taste there is.
That should shape everything around you with such grace and such beauty. It will only let you see only the present with great gratitude and love.